According to the COVID-19 Recovery Index data released by Nikkei for May, Vietnam rose 48 places to 14th place. Nikkei noted that Vietnam is also the first country in Southeast Asia to waive all regulations on testing, vaccination and isolation for foreign tourists.
The COVID-19 Recovery Index assesses countries and territories in response to infection, COVID-19 vaccination deployment, and social mobility. The higher the rating, the closer that country and territory is to resilience. This index is characterized by low infection rates, low mortality, better vaccination coverage, and better movement restrictions.
Vietnam and the Philippines performed best in Nikkei’s COVID-19 Recovery Index for May as both countries worked to ease precautionary regulations while keeping infections at low levels.
In 2021, both Vietnam and the Philippines are at the bottom of the COVID-19 Recovery Index ranking. But according to May’s data, Vietnam rose 48 places to 14th place.
In an article on Vietnam’s promotion to the COVID-19 Recovery Index published on June 3, Nikkei pointed out, with more than 80% of the population fully vaccinated and 60% vaccinated with booster doses, Vietnam Male received 27/30 points for the ability to immunize.
The COVID-19 vaccine deployed in Vietnam as of May 8 includes 46% mRNA vaccines manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna, 28% virus vector vaccines from AstraZeneca and 23% conventional vaccines from Chinese manufacturer Sinopharm, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The Ministry of Health of Vietnam said that there are enough doses of COVID-19 vaccine to give the 3rd and 4th doses to eligible people aged 18 years and over.
Similar to Vietnam, the Philippines rose 40 places in the rankings, to 33rd place thanks to a decrease in COVID-19 infections. The number of daily COVID-19 cases in the country fell below 200 in the past week, with no deaths recorded.
Since February, the Southeast Asian country has reopened its borders to fully vaccinated international travelers. This week, the Philippines also dropped the requirement that foreign travelers who have had a booster dose present a negative COVID-19 test result upon entry.
According to the index just released by Nikkei, Cambodia and South Korea lead Asian countries, respectively, at 2nd and 8th in the Nikkei COVID-19 Recovery Index. Both Cambodia and South Korea are working on living with the virus and have high vaccination rates.
China rose one place to 93rd place. Its mobility score fell to a record low 4.5/30, the lowest rate compared to any other country as China is still implementing restrictive measures to prevent disease outbreaks. The latest figures show that the number of passengers on public transport in 36 major cities in China has decreased by nearly 50% year-on-year in 2019.
Meanwhile, according to newly released results, Taiwan (China) continues to decrease its rank in the COVID-19 Recovery Index ranking, to 113th place amid the island’s response to increased infections and deaths from COVID-19.
@ Cafef