Cambodia and Vietnam are the top two countries in Nikkei’s Covid-19 Recovery Index ranking, as business activities in the two Southeast Asian countries are gradually returning to normal.
The index assesses countries and regions for disease management, vaccine deployment, and social mobility. The higher the rank, the closer that country is to recovery, which is characterized by lower infection and death rates, better vaccination coverage, and fewer restrictions on movement.
In the latest ranking, Cambodia has climbed to the top of the table after staying in 2nd and 3rd place since March. The whole country has not recorded new cases for 52 days until June 28.
After 1 month, Vietnam has risen from 14th place to 2nd place, thanks to the number of cases and deaths continuously decreasing. According to the Government of Vietnam, an average of 600 to 700 cases were recorded each day in June and the mortality rate was 0.02% – a significant improvement from the previous month, helping Vietnam to increase by 6 scores in the infection management category.
After Vietnam detected its first BA.5 case in late June, leaders pushed for a third and fourth dose of vaccination.
Other members of ASEAN have also made progress. Thailand rose 36 places to 53rd. Indonesia achieved the same rank after climbing 43 places.
Malaysia is 26th in the ranking, while the Philippines is 62nd and Singapore is 71st.