Author Archives: admin
Garment Defects: A Complete Guide for Quality Control
If you are a quality control professional who works with garments, you know how important it is to identify, classify, and resolve garment defects. Garment defects are any flaws or deviations from specifications or standards that affect a garment’s appearance, performance, durability, or functionality. They can harm your quality control
Inspection Companies in Vietnam: A Complete Guide to Choosing and Working with Them
Inspection companies provide various services to verify the quality, safety, and compliance of products, factories, and suppliers. They are essential for businesses in Vietnam, especially for those who export their products to foreign markets or source their materials from local vendors. By working with these companies, businesses can reduce risks,
The Importance of Third-Party Inspection in Ensuring Quality and Safety
Most businesses nowadays prefer to ensure the quality of their products and services by carrying out third-party inspection. What isThird-Party Inspection? Third-party inspections are usually inspections carried out by independent third-party entities to authenticate the products meet the quality and safety standards. Third-party inspections can be carried out at any stage
What is Acceptable Quality Limit (AQL) in Product Inspection?
Quality control is a crucial aspect of manufacturing that ensures the products meet specific standards and specifications. AQL, or Acceptable Quality Limit, is a critical tool used in quality control. This article will discuss what AQL is, how it works, and why it is essential. What is AQL? AQL is