At VIS, we follow the highest ethical and legal standards to ensure our continued growth. Our Code of Conduct provides clear guidelines for our team to follow in their daily business activities.
We operate with integrity, honesty, and professionalism. Our work is carried out honestly, independently, and impartially, with no tolerance for any deviation from approved methods and procedures or the reporting of accurate results.
We prohibit any offer, gift, or acceptance of a bribe in any form, direct or indirect, including kickbacks on any portion of a contract payment. We do not use funds or assets for any unethical purpose and we do not accept any kind of conduct in breach of applicable laws and regulations of anti-bribery & anti-corruption.
We are committed to complying with at least the minimum wage legislation and other applicable wage and working time laws. We strictly prohibit the use of child labor and forced and compulsory labor.
We respect equal opportunities in the workplace and have zero tolerance for abuse, bullying, or harassment. All information received during the provision of our services is treated as business confidential.
We uphold fair advertising and competition standards, and we do not seek competitive advantages through illegal or unethical business practices.
Health, safety, and well-being are important to VIS. We are committed to providing a clean, safe, and healthy work environment, ensuring that employees have been provided with appropriate safety training and information, and adhere to established safety practices and requirements.
All employees are responsible for making compliance a vital part of our business process and future success, and are expected to comply with the Code to protect themselves and the company. No employee will suffer demotion, penalty, or other adverse consequences for strict implementation of the Code, even if it may result in a loss of business.
We take appropriate disciplinary action for any Code violation or other misconduct which, in the most serious cases, may include termination and possible legal action. We encourage employees to report any actual or suspected violations of this Code without fear of retaliation.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding any aspect of this Code, please raise them with your supervisor or our team.